11-30-11. Final judgment -- Permanent injunction. (1) If the judgment upholds the validity of the bonds, and no appeal is taken, or if anappeal is taken from any judgment and at any time thereafter a judgment is rendered holding thebonds to be valid, the judgment shall, notwithstanding any other provision of law, including,without limitation, Rules 55(c) and 60(b) of the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure, be binding andconclusive as to the validity of the bonds against the public body issuing the bonds and all otherparties to the petition, and shall constitute a permanent injunction against the institution by anyperson of any action or proceeding contesting the validity of the bonds or any other matteradjudicated or that might have been adjudicated in the proceedings.
(2) After a final judgment has been entered holding the bonds to be valid, as to any actionor proceeding contesting the validity of the bonds or any other matter adjudicated or that mighthave been adjudicated in the proceedings: (a) no court has jurisdiction to adjudicate such matters;and (b) all rights of taxpayers, citizens, and others to litigate such matters shall lapse.
Enacted by Chapter 197, 1987 General Session