11-30-5. Publication of order for hearing. (1) Prior to the date set for hearing, the clerk of the court shall cause the order to bepublished:
(a) once each week for three consecutive weeks:
(i) in a newspaper published or of general circulation within the boundaries of the publicbody; or
(ii) if the public body has no defined boundaries or there is no newspaper published or ofgeneral circulation within the defined boundaries, a newspaper reasonably calculated to notify allparties, which has been approved by the court; and
(b) in accordance with Section
45-1-101 for three weeks.
(2) If a refunding bond is being validated, all holders of the bonds to be refunded may bemade defendants to the action, in which case notice may be made, and if so made shall beconsidered sufficient, by mailing a copy of the order to each holder's last-known address.
(3) By publication of the order, all defendants shall have been duly served and shall beparties to the proceedings.
Amended by Chapter 388, 2009 General Session