11-32-6. Payment of bonds. (1) Except as secured as provided in Subsection
11-32-7(1)(c), all bonds issued by afinancing authority and the interest and premium, if any, on them, shall be payable solely out ofamounts received by the authority under the assignment agreement with respect to the delinquenttax receivables acquired with the proceeds of that issue of bonds and from the proceeds of thebonds. All bonds shall so state on their face.
(2) The amounts payable by the county or the participant members under the assignmentagreement shall be payable solely from a special fund into which the county shall pay all of theamounts received with respect to the delinquent tax receivables covered by the assignmentagreement. All bonds shall so state on their face.
(3) Nothing in this chapter may be construed as requiring the state of Utah or anypolitical subdivision of the state to pay any amounts due on any bond issued under this chapter,or, except for the county and the other participant members, to pay any amount due to a financingauthority under the terms of any assignment agreement.
(4) Except with respect to the delinquent tax receivables pledged, nothing in this chaptermay be construed as requiring the county or any participant member to appropriate any money topay principal of or interest on the bonds or the amounts due under any assignment agreement.
(5) If a county or any participant member fails to pay any amounts due to an authorityunder any assignment agreement, the authority may compel the county to take the necessary legalaction to collect the delinquent tax receivables covered by the assignment agreement and to useany or all of the statutory means it has to collect the delinquent taxes.
Enacted by Chapter 143, 1987 General Session