11-38-203. Commission may provide assistance to local entities. The commission may:
(1) from funds appropriated to OPB by the Legislature for this purpose, grant money tolocal entities to help them obtain the technical assistance they need to:
(a) conduct workshops or public hearings or use other similar methods to obtain publicinput and participation in the process of identifying for that entity the principles of quality growthreferred to in Subsection
(b) identify where and how quality growth areas could be established within the localentity; and
(c) develop or modify the local entity's general plan to incorporate and implement theprinciples of quality growth developed by the local entity and to establish quality growth areas;and
(2) require each local entity to which the commission grants money under Subsection (1)to report to the commission, in a format and upon a timetable determined by the commission, onthat local entity's process of developing quality growth principles and on the quality growthprinciples developed by that local entity.
Enacted by Chapter 24, 1999 General Session