11-40-103. Duties of the Criminal Investigation and Technical Services Division --Costs of separate file and background check. (1) If a public water utility requests the division to conduct a criminal background check,the division shall:
(a) release to the public water utility the full record of criminal convictions for the personwho is the subject of the background check;
(b) if requested by the public water utility, seek additional information from regional ornational criminal data files in conducting the criminal background check;
(c) maintain a separate file of fingerprints submitted under Section
11-40-102; and
(d) notify the requesting public water utility when a new entry is made against a personwhose fingerprints are held in the file.
(2) (a) Each public water utility requesting a criminal background check shall pay thecost of maintaining the separate file under Subsection (1) from fees charged to those whosefingerprints are submitted to the division.
(b) Each public water utility requesting the division to conduct a criminal backgroundcheck shall pay the cost of the background check, and the money collected shall be credited tothe division to offset its expenses.
Enacted by Chapter 39, 2003 General Session