11-43-102. Memorials by political subdivisions. (1) As used in this section:
(a) "Political subdivision" means any county, city, town, or school district.
(b) "Political subdivision" does not mean a local district under Title 17B, LimitedPurpose Local Government Entities - Local Districts, or a special service district under Title17D, Chapter 1, Special Service District Act.
(2) A political subdivision may authorize the use or donation of the politicalsubdivision's land for the purpose of maintaining, erecting, or contributing to the erection ormaintenance of a memorial to commemorate those individuals who have:
(a) participated in or have given their lives in any of the one or more wars or militaryconflicts in which the United States of America has been a participant; or
(b) given their lives in association with public service on behalf of the state or thepolitical subdivision, including firefighters, peace officers, highway patrol officers, or otherpublic servants.
(3) The use or donation of a political subdivision's land in relation to a memorialdescribed in Subsection (2) may include:
(a) using or appropriating public funds for the purchase, development, improvement, ormaintenance of public land on which a memorial is located or established;
(b) using or appropriating public funds for the erection, improvement, or maintenance ofa memorial;
(c) donating or selling public land for use in relation to a memorial; or
(d) authorizing the use of a political subdivision's land for a memorial that is funded ormaintained in part or in full by another public or private entity.
(4) The political subdivision may specify the form, placement, and design of a memorialthat is subject to this section.
Amended by Chapter 360, 2008 General Session