13-5-10. Cost -- Purchase price at forced sales. In establishing the cost of a given article, product or commodity to the distributor andvendor, the invoice cost of said article, product or commodity purchased at a forced, bankrupt,closeout sale or other sale outside of the ordinary channels of trade may not be used as a basis forjustifying a price lower than one based upon the replacement cost as of the date of said sale ofsaid article, product or commodity replaced through the ordinary channels of trade, unless saidarticles, product or commodity is kept separate from goods purchased in the ordinary channels oftrade and unless said article, product or commodity is advertised and sold as merchandisepurchased at a forced, bankrupt, closeout sale, or by means other than through the ordinarychannels of trade, and said advertising shall state the conditions under which said goods were sopurchased, and the quantity of such merchandise to be sold or offered for sale.
No Change Since 1953