13-11-9. Rule-making requirements. (1) In addition to complying with other rule-making requirements imposed by this act, theenforcing authority shall:
(a) adopt as a rule a description of the organization of his office, stating the generalcourse and method of operation of his office and method whereby the public may obtaininformation or make submissions or requests;
(b) adopt rules of practice setting forth the nature and requirements of all formal andinformal procedures available, including a description of the forms and instructions used by theenforcing authority of his office; and
(c) make available for public inspection all rules, written statements of policy, andinterpretations formulated, adopted, or used by the enforcing authority in discharging hisfunctions.
(2) A rule of the enforcing authority is invalid, and may not be invoked by the enforcingauthority for any purpose, until it has been made available for public inspection under Subsection(1). This provision does not apply to a person who has knowledge of a rule before engaging in anact or practice that violates this act.
Enacted by Chapter 188, 1973 General Session