13-11a-2. Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) "Advertisement" means any written, oral, or graphic statement or representation madeby a supplier in connection with the solicitation of business. It includes, but is not limited to,communication by noncable television systems, radio, printed brochures, newspapers, leaflets,flyers, circulars, billboards, banners, or signs. It does not include any oral, in person,representation made by a sales representative to a prospective purchaser.
(2) To "clearly and conspicuously disclose" means:
(a) in the print media:
(i) to state in typeface that is sufficiently bold to be obviously seen;
(ii) to state in type size of at least 10 point type for a 14" x 23" document, and, in largerdocuments, of a type size of proportionately the same size; and
(iii) to place in the text so as to be obviously seen;
(b) in radio advertising, to verbally state in the same volume as that used in theadvertisement;
(c) in television advertising, the method for print media or radio advertising is acceptableunless contrary to other governing laws.
(3) "Generic good" means a product which is offered for sale under its commondescriptive name rather than under a trademark, trade name, brand name, house brand, or otherdistinguishing appellation.
(4) "Goods and services" means all items which may be the subject of a sales transaction.
(5) "Nondiscounted price" means a price at which the goods or services are offered at thetime of the price assessment without a temporary store reduction in price.
(6) "Performing group" means a vocal or instrumental group that performs live music fora paying audience.
(7) "Person" means an individual, including a consumer, corporation, government, orgovernmental subdivision or agency, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, unincorporatedassociation, two or more of any of the foregoing having a joint or common interest, or any otherlegal or commercial entity.
(8) "Price assessment" means the determination of the prices underlying a pricecomparison.
(9) "Price assessor" means a firm or individual that determines the prices, including thereference prices, underlying the price comparison, or who makes the price comparison.
(10) "Price comparison" means any express representation that a specific savings,reduction, or discount exists or will exist between the supplier's advertised price and anotherspecific price. A representation which does not reasonably imply a comparison to identifiableprices or items does not express a price comparison. Language constituting mere sales "puffing"is not prohibited by this chapter.
(11) "Product area" means the geographical area in which the prospective purchasers towhom the advertisement is aimed could reasonably be expected to seek the goods or services inquestion.
(12) "Recording group" means a vocal or instrumental group at least one of the membersof which has released a commercial sound recording under the group's name, if the member has alegal right to use of the group's name.
(13) "Reference price" means a higher price to which a supplier compares a lower price
to indicate that a reduction in price exists or will exist.
(14) "Regular price" means the price at which a supplier has recently offered the goods orservices for sale in good faith in the regular course of business. Every price represented in anadvertisement is considered a regular price unless it is specifically represented as a price otherthan a regular price, such as a discount price or a manufacturer's suggested price. It is primafacie evidence that a price is other than a regular price when it was not offered as the nondiscountprice of the goods or services for the 15 days immediately preceding an advertisement of theprice, and the price change during the 15 day period was not due to price changes inherent in thepricing of seasonal or perishable goods, due to changes in cost of the goods or services to thesupplier, or due to pricing changes made to match a competitor's price.
(15) "Sales transaction" means a sale, lease, assignment, award by chance, or otherwritten or oral transfer or disposition of goods, services, or other property, both tangible andintangible (except securities and insurance), to a person or business, or a solicitation or offer by asupplier with respect to any of these transfers or dispositions. It includes any offer or solicitation,any agreement, and any performance of an agreement with respect to any of these transfers ordispositions.
(16) "Sound recording" means a work resulting from the fixation on a material object,such as a disk, tape, or phono-record, of musical or instrumental sounds.
(17) "Supplier" means a seller, lessor, assignor, offeror, broker, or other person whoregularly solicits, engages in, or enforces sales transactions, whether or not he deals directly withthe purchaser.
Amended by Chapter 133, 2009 General Session