13-15-6. Failure to file disclosures -- Relief where seller fails to comply withchapter -- Relief where division granted judgment or injunction -- Administrative fines. (1) If a seller fails to file the disclosures required under Section
13-15-4, or fails afterdemand by the division to file the disclosure within 15 days, the division, consistent with Section
13-2-5, shall begin adjudicative proceedings and shall issue a cease and desist order.
(2) Any purchaser of a business opportunity from a seller who does not comply with thischapter is entitled, in an appropriate court of competent jurisdiction, to rescission of the contract,to an award of a reasonable attorney's fee and costs of court in an action to enforce the right ofrescission, and to the amount of actual damages or $2,000, whichever is greater.
(3) In the event the division is granted judgment or injunctive relief in an appropriatecourt of competent jurisdiction, the division, in addition to any other relief, is entitled to anaward of reasonable attorney's fees, costs of court, and investigative fees.
(4) (a) In addition to other penalties under this chapter, and to its other enforcementpowers under Title 13, Chapter 2, Division of Consumer Protection, the division director mayimpose an administrative fine of up to $2,500 for each violation of this chapter.
(b) All money received through administrative fines imposed under this section shall bedeposited in the Consumer Protection Education and Training Fund created by Section
Amended by Chapter 47, 2006 General Session