13-21-3.5. Registration and suspension of registration. (1) A credit services organization shall file an application for registration with the divisionbefore engaging in any activity regulated by this chapter. The application shall include:
(a) the name, complete address, and telephone number of the organization;
(b) the name of any person who owns or controls more than 5% of the organization,either directly or through another person or entity;
(c) the name of any individual who is responsible for the day-to-day operation of theorganization;
(d) (i) the case title, docket number, the names and addresses of all parties, and a detailedexplanation of any administrative, civil, or criminal action in which the organization or any personidentified in Subsection (1)(b) or (c) is a party to an administrative, civil, or criminal action thatarose in this state or any other jurisdiction involving the offer to provide or the provision ofservices described in Section
13-21-2(3)(a); or
(ii) a notarized statement of the credit services organization's chief executive officer orprincipal that neither the organization nor any person identified in Subsection (1)(b) or (c) is aparty to any administrative, civil, or criminal action described in Subsection (1)(d)(i);
(e) a detailed outline of the organization's credit services program to be offered in thisstate, including two copies of any contract, form, sales literature, or other relevant document thatwill be used by the organization; and
(f) a reasonable registration fee to be determined by the division.
(2) The division may deny, suspend, or revoke a registration under this chapter if:
(a) a credit services organization has engaged, or is engaging in a violation of thischapter; or
(b) a person described in Subsection (1)(b) or (c) has been found in an administrative,civil, or criminal action in any jurisdiction to have violated a law relating to the offer to provide orprovision of the types of services described in Subsection
Enacted by Chapter 186, 1994 General Session