13-21-9. Damages -- Punitive damages -- Attorney's fees and costs -- Remedies. (1) Any buyer injured by a violation of this chapter may bring any action for recovery ofdamages. Judgment shall be entered for actual damages, but in no case less than the amount paidby the buyer to the credit services organization, plus reasonable attorneys' fees and costs. Anaward may also be entered for punitive damages.
(2) The remedies provided under this chapter are in addition to any other procedures orremedies for any violation or conduct provided for in any other law.
(3) The Division of Consumer Protection may maintain an action for damages orinjunctive relief on behalf of itself or any other person to enforce compliance with this chapter. Any judgment granted in favor of the division shall include, in addition to any other monetaryaward or injunctive relief, an award of reasonable attorneys' fees, court costs, and costs ofinvestigation.
Amended by Chapter 96, 1988 General Session