property of any kind, including any of the following:
(i) a gift, subscription, loan, advance, or deposit of money or anything of value;
(ii) a contract, promise, or agreement, express or implied, whether or not legallyenforceable, to make a contribution for charitable purposes; and
(iii) fees, dues, or assessments paid by members, when membership is conferred solely asconsideration for making a contribution.
(b) "Contribution" does not include:
(i) money loaned to a charitable organization by a financial institution in the ordinarycourse of business; or
(ii) fees, dues, or assessments paid by members when membership is not conferred solelyas consideration for making a contribution.
(7) "Contributor" means any donor, pledgor, purchaser, or other person who makes acontribution.
(8) "Director" means the director of the Division of Consumer Protection.
(9) "Division" means the Division of Consumer Protection of the Department ofCommerce.
(10) "Material fact" means information that a person of ordinary intelligence andprudence would consider relevant in deciding whether or not to make a contribution in responseto a charitable solicitation.
(11) (a) "Professional fund raiser," except as provided in Subsection (11)(b), means anyperson who:
(i) for compensation or any other consideration solicits contributions for charitablepurposes, or plans or manages the solicitation of contributions for or on behalf of any charitableorganization or any other person;
(ii) engages in, or who holds himself out to persons in this state as being independentlyengaged in, the business of soliciting contributions for a charitable organization;
(iii) manages, supervises, or trains any solicitor whether as an employee or otherwise; or
(iv) uses a vending device or vending device decal for financial or other consideration thatimplies a solicitation of contributions or donations for any charitable organization or charitablepurposes.
(b) "Professional fund raiser" does not include a bona fide officer, director, volunteer, orfull-time employee of a charitable organization.
(12) (a) "Professional fund raising counsel or consultant" or other comparable designationor title means a person who:
(i) for compensation plans, manages, advises, counsels, consults, or prepares material for,or with respect to, the solicitation in this state of contributions for a charitable organization,whether or not at any time the person has custody of contributions from a solicitation;
(ii) does not solicit contributions; and
(iii) does not employ, procure, or engage any compensated person to solicit or receivecontributions.
(b) "Professional fund raising counsel or consultant" does not include an attorney,investment counselor, or banker who in the conduct of that person's profession advises a clientwhen actually engaged in the giving of legal, investment, or financial advice.
(13) "Vending device" means a container used by a charitable organization orprofessional fund raiser, for the purpose of collecting a charitable solicitation, contribution, or
donation whether or not the device offers a product or item in return for the contribution ordonation. "Vending device" includes machines, boxes, jars, wishing wells, barrels, or any othercontainer.
(14) "Vending device decal" means any decal, tag, or similar designation material that isattached to a vending device, whether or not used or placed by a charitable organization orprofessional fund raiser, that would indicate that all or a portion of the proceeds from thepurchase of items from the vending device will go to a specific charitable organization.
Amended by Chapter 210, 2001 General Session