13-23-3. Contracts for health spa services. (1) Any contract for the sale of health spa services shall be in writing. The writtencontract shall constitute the entire agreement between the consumer and the health spa.
(2) The health spa shall provide the consumer with a fully completed copy of the contractrequired by Subsection (1) at the time of its execution. The copy shall show:
(a) the date of the transaction;
(b) the name and address of the health spa; and
(c) the name, address, and telephone number of the consumer.
(3) (a) A contract may not have a term in excess of 36 months, but the contract mayprovide that the consumer may exercise an option to renew the term after its expiration.
(b) Except for a lifetime membership sold prior to May 1, 1995, a health spa may notoffer a lifetime membership.
(4) The contract or an attachment to it shall clearly state any rules of the health spa thatapply to:
(a) the consumer's use of its facilities and services; and
(b) cancellation and refund policies of the health spa.
(5) The contract shall specify which equipment or facility of the health spa:
(a) is omitted from the contract's coverage; or
(b) may be changed at the health spa's discretion.
(6) The contract shall clearly state that the consumer has a three-day period after the dayon which the contract is executed to rescind the contract.
Amended by Chapter 18, 2005 General Session