13-34-114. Consent to use of educational terms in business names. (1) For purposes of this section:
(a) "Business name" means a name filed with the Division of Corporations andCommercial Code under:
(i) Section
(ii) Section
(iii) Section
(iv) Section
(v) Section
48-2a-102; or
(vi) Section
(b) "Educational term" means the term:
(i) "university";
(ii) "college"; or
(iii) "institute" or "institution."
(2) If a statute listed in Subsection (1)(a) requires the written consent of the division tofile a business name with the Division of Corporations and Commercial Code that includes aneducational term, the division may consent to the use of an educational term in accordance withthis statute.
(3) The division shall consent to the use of an educational term in a business name if theperson seeking to file the name:
(a) is registered under this chapter;
(b) is exempt from the chapter under Section
13-34-105; or
(c) (i) is not engaged in educational activities; and
(ii) does not represent that it is engaged in educational activities.
(4) The division may withhold consent to use of an educational term in a business nameif the person seeking to file the name:
(a) offers, sells, or awards a degree or any other type of educational credential; and
(b) fails to provide bona fide instruction through student-faculty interaction according tothe standards and criteria established by the division under Subsection
Amended by Chapter 218, 2010 General Session