13-47-203. Voluntary registration by private employer certifying participation inverification. (1) (a) A private employer may register with the department certifying that the privateemployer is in compliance with Section
(b) A private employer may register with the department under this section regardless ofwhether the private employer is required to comply with Section
(2) To register or renew a registration with the department under this part, a privateemployer shall:
(a) file a registration statement with the department that certifies compliance withSection
13-47-201; and
(b) pay a fee established by the department in accordance Section
63J-1-504 that reflectsthe cost of registering employers under this section and publishing the list described in Section
(3) A registration under this part expires every two years on the anniversary of the day onwhich the registration is filed with the department.
(4) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, thedepartment may make rules to provide for:
(a) the form of a registration statement under this section;
(b) the process of filing a registration statement under this section; and
(c) the process of renewing a registration statement under this section.
Enacted by Chapter 403, 2010 General Session