15-8-5. General requirements of disclosure. (1) A lessor shall disclose to a consumer the information required by this chapter. In atransaction involving more than one lessor, only one lessor needs to make the disclosures, but alllessors shall be bound by the disclosures.
(2) The disclosures shall be made at or before consummation of the rental purchaseagreement.
(3) The disclosures shall be made clearly and conspicuously in writing and a copy of therental purchase agreement shall be provided to the consumer at consummation or at somespecified time after consummation, with consent of the consumer. The disclosures required underSubsection
15-8-6(1) shall be made on the face of the contract, above the line provided for theconsumer's signature.
(4) If a disclosure becomes inaccurate as the result of any act, occurrence, or agreementby the consumer after delivery of the required disclosures, the resulting inaccuracy is not aviolation of this chapter.
Amended by Chapter 12, 1994 General Session