15-9-104. Athlete agents -- Registration required -- Void contracts. (1) Except as otherwise provided in Subsection (2), an individual may not act as anathlete agent in this state without holding a certificate of registration under Section
15-9-106 or
(2) Before being issued a certificate of registration, an individual may act as an athleteagent in this state for all purposes except signing an agency contract, if:
(a) a student-athlete or another person acting on behalf of the student-athlete initiatescommunication with the individual; and
(b) within seven days after an initial act as an athlete agent, the individual submits anapplication for registration as an athlete agent in this state.
(3) An agency contract resulting from conduct in violation of this section is void and theathlete agent shall return any consideration received under the contract.
Enacted by Chapter 237, 2001 General Session