15-9-105. Registration as an athlete agent -- Form -- Requirements. (1) An applicant for registration shall submit an application for registration to thedivision in a form prescribed by the division. An application filed under this section is a publicrecord under Title 63G, Chapter 2, Government Records Access and Management Act. Theapplication shall be in the name of an individual and, except as otherwise provided in Subsection(2), signed or otherwise authenticated by the applicant under penalty of perjury and state orcontain:
(a) the name of the applicant and the address of the applicant's principal place ofbusiness;
(b) the name of the applicant's business or employer, if applicable;
(c) any business or occupation engaged in by the applicant for the five years immediatelypreceding the date of submission of the application;
(d) a description of the applicant's:
(i) formal training as an athlete agent;
(ii) practical experience as an athlete agent; and
(iii) educational background relating to the applicant's activities as an athlete agent;
(e) the names and addresses of three individuals not related to the applicant who arewilling to serve as references;
(f) the name, sport, and last-known team for each individual for whom the applicantacted as an athlete agent during the five years next preceding the date of submission of theapplication;
(g) the names and addresses of all persons who are:
(i) with respect to the athlete agent's business if it is not a corporation, the partners,members, officers, managers, associates, or profit-sharers of the business; and
(ii) with respect to a corporation employing the athlete agent, the officers, directors, andany shareholder of the corporation having an interest of 5% or greater;
(h) whether the applicant or any person named pursuant to Subsection (1)(g) has beenconvicted of a crime that, if committed in this state, would be a crime involving moral turpitudeor a felony, and identify the crime;
(i) whether there has been any administrative or judicial determination that the applicantor any person named pursuant to Subsection (1)(g) has made a false, misleading, deceptive, orfraudulent representation;
(j) any instance in which the conduct of the applicant or any person named pursuant toSubsection (1)(g) resulted in the imposition of a sanction, suspension, or declaration ofineligibility to participate in an interscholastic or intercollegiate athletic event on astudent-athlete or educational institution;
(k) any sanction, suspension, or disciplinary action taken against the applicant or anyperson named pursuant to Subsection (1)(g) arising out of occupational or professional conduct;and
(l) whether there has been any denial of an application for, suspension or revocation of,or refusal to renew, the registration or licensure of the applicant or any person named pursuant toSubsection (1)(g) as an athlete agent in any state.
(2) An individual who has submitted an application for, and holds a certificate of,registration or licensure as an athlete agent in another state, may submit a copy of the applicationand certificate in lieu of submitting an application in the form prescribed pursuant to Subsection
(1). The division shall accept the application and the certificate from the other state as anapplication for registration in this state if the application to the other state:
(a) was submitted in the other state within six months immediately preceding thesubmission of the application in this state and the applicant certifies that the informationcontained in the application is current;
(b) contains information substantially similar to or more comprehensive than thatrequired in an application submitted in this state; and
(c) was signed by the applicant under penalty of perjury.
Amended by Chapter 378, 2010 General Session