16-6a-1503. Application for authority to conduct affairs. (1) A foreign nonprofit corporation may apply for authority to conduct affairs in this stateby delivering to the division for filing an application for authority to conduct affairs setting forth:
(a) its corporate name and its assumed corporate name, if any;
(b) the name of the state or country under whose law it is incorporated;
(c) its date of incorporation;
(d) its period of duration;
(e) the street address of its principal office;
(f) the information required by Subsection
(g) the names and usual business addresses of its current directors and officers;
(h) the date it commenced or expects to commence conducting affairs in this state; and
(i) the additional information the division determines is necessary or appropriate todetermine whether the application for authority to conduct affairs should be filed.
(2) With the completed application required by Subsection (1) the foreign nonprofitcorporation shall deliver to the division for a certificate of existence, or a document of similarimport that is:
(a) authenticated by the division or other official having custody of corporate records inthe state or country under whose law it is incorporated; and
(b) dated within 90 days before the day on which the application for authority to conductaffairs is filed.
(3) The foreign nonprofit corporation shall include in the application for authority toconduct affairs, or in an accompanying document, written consent to appointment by itsdesignated registered agent.
(4) (a) The division may permit a tribal nonprofit corporation to apply for authority toconduct affairs in this state in the same manner as a nonprofit corporation incorporated in anotherstate.
(b) If a tribal nonprofit corporation elects to apply for authority to conduct affairs in thisstate, for purposes of this chapter, the tribal nonprofit corporation shall be treated in the samemanner as a foreign nonprofit corporation incorporated under the laws of another state.
Amended by Chapter 249, 2008 General Session
Amended by Chapter 364, 2008 General Session