16-6a-1512. Merger of foreign nonprofit corporations authorized to conduct affairsin this state. (1) If two or more foreign nonprofit corporations authorized to conduct affairs in thisstate are a party to a statutory merger permitted by the laws of the state or country under the lawsof which they are incorporated within 30 days after the merger becomes effective, the survivingnonprofit corporation shall file with the division a certificate of fact of merger certified by theproper officer of the state or country under the laws of which the statutory merger was effected.
(2) It is not necessary for a foreign nonprofit corporation authorized to conduct affairs inthis state that is a party to a statutory merger described in Subsection (1) to procure a new oramended certificate of authority to conduct affairs in this state unless the name of the survivingnonprofit corporation is changed by the statutory merger.
Enacted by Chapter 300, 2000 General Session