16-7-8. Execution of corporate instruments -- Authority of agents -- Revocation ofauthority. (1) All deeds and other instruments of writing shall be:
(a) made in the name of the corporation;
(b) signed by:
(i) the person representing the corporation in the official capacity designated in thearticles of incorporation; or
(ii) a duly authorized agent or agents designated and named in a certificate filed by thecorporation with the Division of Corporations and Commercial Code.
(2) The authority of an agent or agents designated pursuant to Subsection (1)(b)(ii) shallcontinue until revoked, notwithstanding the subsequent death, resignation, removal, incapacity,or incompetency of:
(a) the person who executed the original articles of incorporation; or
(b) the successor in office to the person described in Subsection (2)(a).
(3) A corporation sole designating an agent or agents to sign deeds and instruments ofwriting by certificate may revoke such authority by filing a notice of revocation of authority withthe Division of Corporations and Commercial Code.
Amended by Chapter 16, 2004 General Session