16-10a-1403. Articles of dissolution. (1) At any time after dissolution is authorized, the corporation may dissolve by deliveringto the division for filing articles of dissolution setting forth:
(a) the name of the corporation;
(b) the address of the corporation's principal office or, if none is to be maintained, astatement that the corporation will not maintain a principal office, and, if different from theaddress of the principal office or if no principal office is to be maintained, the address to whichservice of process may be mailed pursuant to Section
(c) the date dissolution was authorized;
(d) if dissolution was authorized by the directors or the incorporators pursuant to Section
16-10a-1401, a statement to that effect;
(e) if dissolution was approved by the shareholders pursuant to Section
(i) the number of votes entitled to be cast on the proposal to dissolve by each votinggroup entitled to vote separately thereon; and
(ii) either the total number of votes cast for and against dissolution by each voting groupor the total number of undisputed votes cast for dissolution by each voting group and a statementthat the number cast for dissolution was sufficient for approval; and
(f) any additional information the division determines is necessary or appropriate.
(2) A corporation is dissolved upon the effective date of its articles of dissolution.
Enacted by Chapter 277, 1992 General Session