16-16-1213. Denial of reinstatement -- Appeal. (1) If the division denies a limited cooperative association's application for reinstatementfollowing administrative dissolution, the division shall prepare and file a notice that explains thereason for denial and serve the association with a copy of the notice.
(2) Not later than 30 days after service of a notice of denial of reinstatement by thedivision, a limited cooperative association may appeal the denial by petitioning the district courtto set aside the dissolution. The petition shall be served on the division and contain a copy of thedivision's declaration of dissolution, the association's application for reinstatement, and thedivision's notice of denial.
(3) The court may summarily order the division to reinstate the dissolved cooperativeassociation or may take other action the court considers appropriate.
Amended by Chapter 378, 2010 General Session