16-16-1504. Disposition of assets. (1) Subject to Subsection (2), a disposition of assets under Section
16-16-1502 shall beapproved by:
(a) at least two-thirds of the voting power of members present at a members meetingcalled under Subsection
16-16-1503(2); and
(b) if the limited cooperative association has investor members, at least a majority of thevotes cast by patron members, unless the organic rules require a greater percentage vote bypatron members.
(2) The organic rules may require that the percentage of votes under Subsection (1)(a) is:
(a) a different percentage that is not less than a majority of members voting at themeeting;
(b) measured against the voting power of all members; or
(c) a combination of Subsections (2)(a) and (b).
(3) Subject to any contractual obligations, after a disposition of assets is approved and atany time before the consummation of the disposition, a limited cooperative association mayapprove an amendment to the contract for disposition or the resolution authorizing thedisposition or approve abandonment of the disposition:
(a) as provided in the contract or the resolution; and
(b) except as prohibited by the resolution, with the same affirmative vote of the board ofdirectors and of the members as was required to approve the disposition.
(4) The voting requirements for districts, classes, or voting groups under Section
16-16-404 apply to approval of a disposition of assets under this part.
Amended by Chapter 378, 2010 General Session