16-16-203. Delivery to and filing of records by division -- Effective time and date. (1) A record authorized or required by this chapter to be delivered to the division forfiling shall be captioned to describe the record's purpose, be in a medium and format permittedby the division, and be delivered to the division. If the filing fees have been paid, and unless thedivision determines that the record does not comply with the filing requirements of this chapter,the division shall file the record.
(2) The division, upon request and payment of the required fee, shall furnish a certifiedcopy of any record filed by the division under this chapter to the person making the request.
(3) Except as otherwise provided in Sections
16-16-118 and
16-16-204, a recorddelivered to the division for filing under this chapter may specify an effective time and a delayedeffective date that may include an effective time on that date. Except as otherwise provided inSections
16-16-118 and
16-16-204, a record filed by the division under this chapter is effective:
(a) if the record does not specify an effective time and does not specify a delayedeffective date, on the date and at the time the record is filed as evidenced by the division'sendorsement of the date and time on the record;
(b) if the record specifies an effective time but not a delayed effective date, on the datethe record is filed at the time specified in the record;
(c) if the record specifies a delayed effective date but not an effective time, at 12:01 a.m.on the earlier of:
(i) the specified date; or
(ii) the 90th day after the record is filed; or
(d) if the record specifies an effective time and a delayed effective date, at the specifiedtime on the earlier of:
(i) the specified date; or
(ii) the 90th day after the record is filed.
Amended by Chapter 378, 2010 General Session