16-16-207. Annual report for division. (1) A limited cooperative association or foreign cooperative authorized to transactbusiness in this state shall deliver to the division for filing an annual report that states:
(a) the name of the association or foreign cooperative;
(b) the street address and, if different, mailing address of the association's or foreigncooperative's designated office and the name of its agent for service of process at the designatedoffice;
(c) the street address and, if different, mailing address of the association's or foreigncooperative's principal office; and
(d) in the case of a foreign cooperative, the state or other jurisdiction under whose lawthe foreign cooperative is formed and any alternative name adopted under Section
(2) Information in an annual report shall be current as of the date the report is deliveredto the division.
(3) The first annual report shall be delivered to the division between January 1 and April1 of the year following the calendar year in which the limited cooperative association is formedor the foreign cooperative is authorized to transact business in this state. For subsequent years,an annual report shall be delivered to the division during the month in which falls the anniversaryof the limited cooperative association's organization or the foreign cooperative's authorization totransact business.
(4) If an annual report does not contain the information required by Subsection (1), thedivision shall promptly notify the reporting limited cooperative association or foreigncooperative and return the report for correction. If the report is corrected to contain theinformation required by Subsection (1) and delivered to the division not later than 30 days afterthe date of the notice from the division, it is timely delivered.
(5) If a filed annual report contains an address of the designated office, name of the agentfor service of process, or address of the principal office which differs from the informationshown in the records of the division immediately before the filing, the differing information inthe annual report is considered a statement of change.
(6) If a limited cooperative association fails to deliver an annual report under this section,the division may proceed under Section
16-16-1211 to dissolve the association administratively.
(7) If a foreign cooperative fails to deliver an annual report under this section, thedivision may revoke the certificate of authority of the cooperative.
Amended by Chapter 378, 2010 General Session