16-16-404. Voting by district, class, or voting group. (1) This section applies if the organic rules provide for voting by district or class, or ifthere is one or more identifiable voting groups that a proposed amendment to the organic ruleswould affect differently from other members with respect to matters identified in Subsections
16-16-405(5)(a) through (e). Approval of the amendment requires the same percentage of votesof the members of that district, class, or voting group required in Sections
16-16-405 and
(2) If a proposed amendment to the organic rules would affect members in two or moredistricts or classes entitled to vote separately under Subsection (1) in the same or a substantiallysimilar way, the districts or classes affected shall vote as a single voting group unless the organicrules otherwise provide for separate voting.
Amended by Chapter 378, 2010 General Session