17-2-207. Effect on precincts and school districts. (1) The precincts and school districts in the annexed territory:
(a) continue;
(b) become precincts and school districts in the annexing county; and
(c) remain as then organized until changed in the manner provided by law.
(2) The officers of those precincts and school districts hold their respective offices untilthe expiration of their terms.
(3) If a precinct or school district is divided because of a county annexation under thispart:
(a) the precinct or school district is disorganized, and the property and territory embracedin the precinct or school district is subject to the action of the county legislative body of therespective counties; and
(b) any bonded or other indebtedness of a school district attaches to and becomes theobligation of the district that is created out of the territory that retains the buildings and otherproperty of the original district.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 350, 2009 General Session