17-3-6. Effect on precincts and school and other districts -- Indebtedness. All precincts, school districts, road districts, and election districts, as they existed prior tothe creation of such new county, shall continue and become precincts, school districts, roaddistricts, and election districts of such new county, and the respective officers thereof shall holdoffice until the expiration of the several terms for which they were elected or appointed; provided,that wherever pursuant to the provisions of this chapter any precinct, school district, road district,or election district shall be divided the same shall be by reason thereof disorganized, and theproperty and territory embraced therein shall be subject to the action of the county legislativebody of the respective counties as to reorganization thereof or adding the same to other likesubdivisions already organized; provided further, that any bonded or other indebtedness of anysuch school district so divided shall attach to and become the obligation of the district that shall becreated out of the territory that shall retain the buildings and other property of the original districtor to the district to which the same may be added; and all bonded or other indebtedness of thecounty from which territory is taken shall attach to and become the obligation of such county.
Amended by Chapter 227, 1993 General Session