17-11-2. Initiating petitions -- Limitation. Whenever there shall be presented to the county legislative body of any county a petitionsigned by qualified electors of such county, in number equal to a majority of the votes cast at thepreceding general election, praying for the submission of the question of the removal of thecounty seat, it shall be the duty of the county legislative body to submit the question of suchremoval at the next general election to the qualified electors of such county; and such electionshall be conducted and the returns canvassed in all respects as provided by law for the conductingof general elections and canvassing the returns thereof. A proposition of removal of the countyseat shall not be submitted in the same county more than once in four years, or within four yearsfrom the time that any such proposition has been theretofore submitted.
Amended by Chapter 227, 1993 General Session