17-15-23. County solid waste management plans. (1) (a) Each county or entity created or designated by a county for this purpose shallsubmit to the Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board, organized in Section
19-6-103, acounty solid waste management plan providing solid waste management information asreasonably required by the board and according to a timetable established by the board.
(b) Each county shall review and modify its solid waste management plan no lessfrequently than every five years.
(2) Each county solid waste management plan shall be consistent with Title 19, Chapter6, Part 5, Solid Waste Management Act, and shall establish the county's solid waste managementplan for the next 20 years.
(3) Each county solid waste management plan shall include an estimate of the solid wastecapacity needed in the county for the next 20 years and the county's program to ensure that thecounty will have sufficient solid waste disposal capacity for the next 20 years.
(4) The solid waste management plan mandated by this section is contingent upon theadoption and implementation of a funding mechanism. Nothing contained in this sectionprecludes a political subdivision, local health department, or district from undertakingcomprehensive solid waste planning.
Amended by Chapter 112, 1991 General Session