17-16-17. Change of class -- Effect on salaries -- Salaries for new counties. If the taxable value of any existing county has been reduced below or raised above theclass and rank first assumed, the county legislative body of the county shall designate the class towhich the county has been reduced or raised, and the county is in that class, and the salaries ofcounty officers shall be adjusted on or before January 1 next succeeding by the county legislativebody, but in no event may the salaries be reduced for the term for which the officers were electedand are qualified. The county legislative body in a newly created county shall at its first meetingafter the organization of the county, for the purpose of fixing salaries and compensation of countyofficers, determine to which class the county belongs, and fix the salaries for the first term of theofficers accordingly.
Amended by Chapter 227, 1993 General Session