17-16a-6. Interest in business entity regulated by county -- Disclosure. Every appointed or elected officer who is an officer, director, agent, or employee or theowner of a substantial interest in any business entity which is subject to the regulation of thecounty in which he is an elected or appointed officer shall disclose the position held and theprecise nature and value of his interest upon first becoming appointed or elected, and again duringJanuary of each year thereafter during which he continues to be an appointed or elected officer.The disclosure shall be made in a sworn statement filed with the county legislative body. Thecommission shall report the substance of all such disclosure statements to the members of thegoverning body or may provide to the members of the governing body, copies of the disclosurestatement within 30 days after the statement is received. This section does not apply to instanceswhere the value of the interest does not exceed $2,000, and life insurance policies and annuitiesshall not be considered in determining the value of any such interest.
Amended by Chapter 227, 1993 General Session