17-23-17. Map of boundary survey -- Procedure for filing -- Contents -- Marking ofmonuments -- Record of corner changes -- Penalties. (1) As used in this section, "land surveyor" means a surveyor who is licensed to practiceland surveying in this state in accordance with Title 58, Chapter 22, Professional Engineers andProfessional Land Surveyors Licensing Act.
(2) (a) (i) Each land surveyor making a boundary survey of lands within this state toestablish or reestablish a boundary line or to obtain data for constructing a map or plat showing aboundary line shall file a map of the survey that meets the requirements of this section with thecounty surveyor or designated office within 90 days of the establishment or reestablishment of aboundary.
(ii) A land surveyor who fails to file a map of the survey as required by Subsection(2)(a)(i) is guilty of a class C misdemeanor.
(iii) Each failure to file a map of the survey as required by Subsection (2)(a)(i) is aseparate violation.
(b) The county surveyor or designated office shall file and index the map of the survey.
(c) The map shall be a public record in the office of the county surveyor or designatedoffice.
(3) This type of map shall show:
(a) the location of survey by quarter section and township and range;
(b) the date of survey;
(c) the scale of drawing and north point;
(d) the distance and course of all lines traced or established, giving the basis of bearingand the distance and course to two or more section corners or quarter corners, including townshipand range, or to identified monuments within a recorded subdivision;
(e) all measured bearings, angles, and distances separately indicated from those ofrecord;
(f) a written boundary description of property surveyed;
(g) all monuments set and their relation to older monuments found;
(h) a detailed description of monuments found and monuments set, indicated separately;
(i) the surveyor's seal or stamp; and
(j) the surveyor's business name and address.
(4) (a) The map shall contain a written narrative that explains and identifies:
(i) the purpose of the survey;
(ii) the basis on which the lines were established; and
(iii) the found monuments and deed elements that controlled the established orreestablished lines.
(b) If the narrative is a separate document, it shall contain:
(i) the location of the survey by quarter section and by township and range;
(ii) the date of the survey;
(iii) the surveyor's stamp or seal; and
(iv) the surveyor's business name and address.
(c) The map and narrative shall be referenced to each other if they are separatedocuments.
(5) The map and narrative shall be created on material of a permanent nature on stablebase reproducible material in the sizes required by the county surveyor.
(6) (a) Any monument set by a licensed professional land surveyor to mark or reference apoint on a property or land line shall be durably and visibly marked or tagged with the registeredbusiness name or the letters "L.S." followed by the registration number of the surveyor in charge.
(b) If the monument is set by a licensed land surveyor who is a public officer, it shall bemarked with the official title of the office.
(7) (a) If, in the performance of a survey, a surveyor finds or makes any changes to thesection corner or quarter-section corner, or their accessories, the surveyor shall complete andsubmit to the county surveyor or designated office a record of the changes made.
(b) The record shall be submitted within 45 days of the corner visits and shall include thesurveyor's seal, business name, and address.
(8) The Utah State Board of Engineers and Land Surveyors Examiners may revoke thelicense of any land surveyor who fails to comply with the requirements of this section, accordingto the procedures set forth in Title 58, Chapter 1, Division of Occupational and ProfessionalLicensing Act.
(9) Each federal or state agency, board, or commission, local district, special servicedistrict, or municipal corporation that makes a boundary survey of lands within this state shallcomply with this section.
Amended by Chapter 329, 2007 General Session