17-23-18. Amendment of survey maps or narratives by affidavit of corrections. (1) Any survey map or narrative filed under the provisions of this chapter may beamended by an affidavit of corrections:
(a) to show any courses or distances omitted from the map or narrative;
(b) to correct an error in the description of the real property shown on the map ornarrative; or
(c) to correct any other errors or omissions where the error or omission is ascertainablefrom the data shown on the map or narrative as recorded.
(2) (a) The affidavit of correction shall be prepared by the licensed professional landsurveyor who filed the map or narrative.
(b) In the event of the death, disability, or retirement from practice of the surveyor whofiled the map or narrative, the county surveyor may prepare the affidavit of correction.
(c) The affidavit shall set forth in detail the corrections made.
(d) The seal and signature of the licensed professional land surveyor filing the affidavitof correction shall be affixed to the affidavit.
(3) The county surveyor having jurisdiction of the map or narrative shall certify that theaffidavit of correction has been examined and that the changes shown on the map or narrative arechanges permitted under this section.
(4) Nothing in this section permits changes in courses or distances for the purpose ofredesigning parcel configurations.
Amended by Chapter 211, 2003 General Session