17-25a-1. Constables -- Nomination -- Appointment -- Authority. (1) (a) The legislative governing bodies of counties and cities of the first or second classshall determine whether to appoint constables. If a county or city of the first or second classdecides to appoint constables, they shall be nominated and appointed under this chapter.
(b) However, a constable holding office on April 23, 1990, may complete his term. Anysubsequent terms he may serve shall be in accordance with this chapter.
(2) To nominate a constable, the county or city of the first or second class shall establisha nominating commission.
(a) The county nominating commission shall consist of one member of the countylegislative governing body, one judge, the county attorney, the district attorney, the sheriff of thecounty, or their designees, and one private citizen.
(b) The city nominating commission shall consist of one member of the city legislativegoverning body, one judge, the city attorney, the chief of police, or their designees, and oneprivate citizen.
(c) The nominating commission shall review each applicant's credentials and recommendto the legislative governing body of the county or city the nominees it finds most qualified bymajority vote.
(3) The county or city legislative governing body shall either appoint or reject anynominee.
(4) The authority of a constable may be withdrawn by the county or city legislativegoverning body for cause, including if the constable's peace officer certification is suspended orrevoked under Section
Amended by Chapter 38, 1993 General Session
Amended by Chapter 234, 1993 General Session