17-32-1. Powers and duties of bail commissioners. (1) The county executive, with the advice and consent of the county legislative body, mayappoint one or more responsible and discreet members of the sheriff's department of the county asa bail commissioner.
(2) A bail commissioner shall have authority to fix and receive bail for persons arrested inthe county for misdemeanors under the laws of the state, or for a violation of any of the countyordinances in accordance with the uniform bail schedule adopted by the Judicial Council or areasonable bail for county ordinances not contained in the schedule.
(3) Any person who has been ordered by a bail commissioner to give bail may deposit theamount with the bail commissioner:
(a) in money, by cash, certified or cashier's check, personal check with check guaranteecard, money order, or credit card, if the bail commissioner has chosen to establish any of thoseoptions; or
(b) by a bond issued by a bail bond surety qualified under the rules of the JudicialCouncil.
(4) Any money or bond collected by a bail commissioner shall be delivered to theappropriate court within three days of receipt of the money or bond.
(5) The court may review the amount of bail ordered by a bail commissioner and maymodify the amount of bail required for good cause.
Amended by Chapter 227, 1993 General Session