17-35b-301. "General county (modified)" structural form of county government. (1) The structural form of county government known as the "general county (modified)"form retains, without change or modification, except to the extent that changes or modificationsmay be effectuated under other proceedings authorized by law, all existing incorporated cities andtowns, special taxing districts, public authorities, county service areas, and other local publicentities functioning within the boundaries of the county. Under this form of government, thecounty remains vested with all powers and duties vested in counties by general law, but thecounty legislative body, together with such other officers as may be specified in the optional plan,shall be elected or appointed in the manner authorized by this act and as provided in the optionalplan.
(2) An optional plan for this form of county government shall provide for the election of acounty council, composed of not less than three members, which shall be the county legislativebody and shall exercise all legislative powers authorized by law. The plan shall specify:
(a) whether the members of the council are to be elected from districts, at large, or by acombination of district and at-large constituencies;
(b) their qualifications and terms of office, and whether such terms are concurrent oroverlapping;
(c) grounds for and methods of removal of council members from office;
(d) procedures for filling vacancies on the council, provided that the procedures shallconform with Section
20A-1-508; and
(e) the compensation, if any, of council members together with procedures for prescribingand changing such compensation from time to time.
Amended by Chapter 133, 2000 General Session