17-37-4. Delegation of management and control authority to directors by countyexecutive body -- Contract or lease with private entity for management -- Deposit of moneycollected -- Expenditures -- Recommendations by directors to county executive body. (1) Upon the appointment of a planetarium board of directors, the county executive maydelegate to the board of directors the authority to manage and control the functions, activities,operations, maintenance, and repair of any county planetarium, and shall include in its delegationthe authority to approve and control all expenditures from the county planetarium fund. Anydelegation of authority made to the board of directors under this section shall at all times besubject to the ultimate authority and responsibility of the county executive for the managementand control of all county funds and properties as conferred upon that board by general lawapplicable to counties.
(2) Upon the recommendation of the board of directors, the county may enter into acontract or lease agreement with a private organization or entity for partial or full management,operation and maintenance of any county planetarium and for other planetarium services, whichmay include providing the physical facilities and equipment for the operation of a planetarium. Acontract or lease for such purposes shall not extend for more than a four-year period and shall besubject to annual review by the board of directors to determine if performance is in conformancewith the terms of the contract or lease and to establish the level of the subsequent fundingpursuant to the contract or lease.
(3) All money collected from a county planetarium tax levy shall be deposited in thecounty treasury to the credit of the county planetarium fund. All money collected from operationsof or from donations to any planetarium owned and operated by the county shall also bedeposited in the county treasury to the credit of the planetarium fund. Any money collected fromoperations of a planetarium by a contracting party or lessee shall be used or deposited as thecontract or lease may provide. Income or proceeds from any investment by the county treasurerof county planetarium funds shall be credited to the county planetarium fund and used only forplanetarium purposes.
(4) Expenditures from the county planetarium fund shall be drawn upon by the authorizedofficers of the county upon presentation of properly authenticated vouchers or documentation ofthe board of directors or other appropriate planetarium official. The fund shall not be used for anypurpose other than to pay the costs of acquiring, constructing, operating, managing, equipping,furnishing, maintaining or repairing a planetarium, including appropriate, reasonable andproportionate costs allocated by the county for support of the planetarium, or to pay the cost offinancing and funding a contract or lease agreement for facilities, equipment, management,operation, and maintenance of a planetarium.
(5) The board of directors shall provide recommendations to the county executive withrespect to the purchase, lease, exchange, construction, erection, or other acquisition of land, realproperty improvements, and fixtures or the sale, lease, exchange, or other disposition of land, realproperty improvements, and fixtures for the use or benefit of a county planetarium.
Amended by Chapter 95, 2002 General Session