17-41-201. Agriculture protection area or industrial protection area advisoryboard. (1) (a) (i) Each county legislative body shall appoint no more than five members from thecounty's conservation district board of supervisors to serve as the Agriculture Protection AreaAdvisory Board.
(ii) Each county legislative body shall appoint an industrial protection area advisoryboard.
(b) A county legislative body may appoint the advisory board before or after a proposalto create an agriculture protection area or industrial protection area is filed.
(2) Each member of an advisory board shall serve without salary, but a county legislativebody may reimburse members for expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
(3) Each advisory board shall:
(a) evaluate proposals for the establishment of agriculture protection areas or industrialprotection areas and make recommendations to the applicable legislative body about whether ornot the proposal should be accepted;
(b) provide expert advice to the planning commission and to the applicable legislativebody about:
(i) the desirability of the proposal;
(ii) the nature of agricultural production or industrial use, as the case may be, within theproposed area;
(iii) the relation of agricultural production or industrial use, as the case may be, in thearea to the county as a whole; and
(iv) which agriculture production or industrial use should be allowed within theagriculture protection area or industrial protection area, respectively; and
(c) perform all other duties required by this chapter.
Amended by Chapter 179, 2007 General Session