17-43-302. Local mental health authorities -- Requirements prior to distributingpublic funds. (1) Each local mental health authority shall award all public funds by complying with therequirements of Title 63G, Chapter 6, Utah Procurement Code, or by complying with a countyprocurement ordinance which requires similar procurement practices.
(2) If all initial bids on the project are rejected, the authority shall publish a newinvitation to bid in the manner specified in this section. If no satisfactory bid is received by theauthority when the bids received from the second invitation are opened, the authority mayexecute a contract without requiring competitive bidding.
(3) The local mental health authority need not comply with the procurement provisionsof this section when it disburses public funds to another political subdivision of the state or aninstitution of higher education of the state.
(4) Each contract awarded by a local mental health authority shall be for a fixed amountand limited period. A contract may be modified due to changes in available funding for the samecontract purpose without competition.
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session