17-50-303. County may not give or lend credit -- County may borrow inanticipation of revenues -- Assistance to nonprofit entities. (1) A county may not give or lend its credit to or in aid of any person or corporation, or,except as provided in Subsection (3), appropriate money in aid of any private enterprise.
(2) (a) A county may borrow money in anticipation of the collection of taxes and othercounty revenues in the manner and subject to the conditions of Title 11, Chapter 14, LocalGovernment Bonding Act.
(b) A county may incur indebtedness under Subsection (2)(a) for any purpose for whichfunds of the county may be expended.
(3) (a) If the county receives fair and adequate consideration in return, a county may:
(i) provide services or nonmonetary assistance to or waive fees required to be paid by anonprofit entity; and
(ii) provide monetary assistance to a nonprofit entity, whether from the county's ownfunds or from funds the county receives from the state or any other source.
(b) Consideration paid to a county under Subsection (3)(a) may:
(i) be nonmonetary; and
(ii) include anything that in the judgment of the county legislative body contributes to thesafety, health, prosperity, moral well-being, peace, order, comfort, or convenience of countyinhabitants.
Amended by Chapter 377, 2007 General Session