17-50-305. County powers to acquire, construct, and control roads and otherfacilities -- Retainage. (1) A county may:
(a) contract for, purchase, or otherwise acquire, when necessary, rights of way for countyroads over private property, and may institute proceedings for acquiring such rights of way asprovided by law;
(b) lay out, construct, maintain, control, and manage county roads, sidewalks, ferries andbridges within the county, outside of cities and towns;
(c) designate the county roads to be maintained by the county within or extending throughany city or town, which may not be more than three in the same direction;
(d) abolish or abandon county roads that are unnecessary for the use of the public, in themanner provided by law; and
(e) lay out, construct, maintain, control, and manage landing fields and hangars for theuse of airplanes or other vehicles for aerial travel.
(2) If any payment on a contract with a private contractor to construct county roads,sidewalks, ferries, and bridges under this section is retained or withheld, it shall be retained orwithheld and released as provided in Section
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 133, 2000 General Session