17-50-315. Study and improvement of county government -- Charges andexpenses. (1) A county may, individually or in association with other counties, study the processesand methods of county government with a view to improvement and cause to be assembled andpresented to the Legislature or the Congress of the United States, or to or before the appropriatecommittees of either or both, such information and factual data with respect to the effect uponcounties, the taxpayers, and the people, of existing, pending or proposed legislation, as in thejudgment of county executives and legislative bodies, will be in the interest of and beneficial tocounties, taxpayers, and people.
(2) The charges and expenses incurred under Subsection (1) shall be proper claim againstcounty funds, to be audited and paid as other county claims.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 133, 2000 General Session