17-50-502. Change of class of county. (1) Each county shall retain its classification under Section
17-50-501 until changed asprovided in this section.
(2) The lieutenant governor shall monitor the population figure for each county as shownon:
(a) each official census or census estimate of the United States Bureau of the Census; or
(b) if the population figure for a county is not available from the United States Bureau ofthe Census, the population estimate from the Utah Population Estimates Committee.
(3) If the applicable population figure under Subsection (2) indicates that a county'spopulation has increased beyond the limit for its current class, the lieutenant governor shall:
(a) prepare a certificate indicating the class in which the county belongs based on theincreased population figure; and
(b) within 10 days after preparing the certificate, deliver a copy of the certificate to thelegislative body and, if the county has an executive that is separate from the legislative body, theexecutive of the county whose class was changed.
(4) A county's change in class is effective on the date of the lieutenant governor'scertificate under Subsection (3).
Enacted by Chapter 318, 2000 General Session