17-52-301. Procedure for appointing members to study committee. (1) Each member of a study committee shall be appointed by an appointment council asprovided in this section.
(2) (a) The county executive shall convene a meeting of the three members of theappointment council referred to in Subsections
17-52-101(1)(a), (b), and (c) within 10 days afterthe canvass of an election under Section
17-52-203.5 if a majority of those voting voted in favorof establishing a study committee.
(b) Within 10 days of the convening of the first meeting under Subsection (2)(a), thethree members of the appointment council shall designate the remaining two members referred toin Subsection
(3) (a) Within 30 days of the designation of the remaining two members underSubsection (2)(b), the appointment council shall:
(i) appoint the members to the study committee; and
(ii) notify in writing the appointees, the county executive, and the county legislative bodyof the appointments.
(b) In making appointments to the study committee, the appointment council shall workto achieve a broadly representative membership.
(c) The appointment council may not appoint a person to the study committee unless thatperson:
(i) is a registered voter in the county whose form of government will be studied by thestudy committee; and
(ii) does not hold any public office or employment other than membership on theappointment council.
Amended by Chapter 241, 2001 General Session