17-52-505. Council-manager form of county government. (1) A county operating under the form of government known as the "council-manager"form shall be governed by an elected county council, a county manager appointed by the council,and such other officers and employees as are authorized by law. The optional plan shall providefor the qualifications, time and manner of appointment, term of office, compensation, andremoval of the county manager.
(2) The county manager shall be the administrative head of the county government andshall have the powers, functions, and duties of a county executive, except:
(a) as the county legislative body otherwise provides by ordinance; and
(b) that the county manager may not veto any ordinances enacted by the council.
(3) No member of the council shall directly or indirectly, by suggestion or otherwise,attempt to influence or coerce the manager in the making of any appointment or removal of anyofficer or employee or in the purchase of supplies, attempt to exact any promise relative to anyappointment from any candidate for manager, or discuss directly or indirectly with him the matterof specific appointments to any county office or employment. A violation of the foregoingprovisions of this Subsection (3) shall forfeit the office of the offending member of the council.Nothing in this section shall be construed, however, as prohibiting the council while in opensession from fully and freely discussing with or suggesting to the manager anything pertaining tocounty affairs or the interests of the county. Neither manager nor any person in the employ of thecounty shall take part in securing, or contributing any money toward, the nomination or electionof any candidate for a county office. The optional plan may provide procedures for implementingthis Subsection (3).
(4) In the council-manager form of county government, the legislative powers of thecounty shall be vested in the county council, and the executive powers of the county shall bevested in the county manager.
(5) A reference in statute or state rule to the "governing body" or the "board of countycommissioners" of the county, in the council-manager form of county government, means:
(a) the county council, with respect to legislative functions, duties, and powers; and
(b) the county manager, with respect to executive functions, duties, and powers.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 133, 2000 General Session