17-53-221. Tax for care, relief, and burial of indigents. (1) A county legislative body may, if it considers it necessary and expedient so to do,annually at its session at which the annual tax levy for county purposes is fixed and levied, assessand levy a tax for:
(a) the care, maintenance, and relief of the indigent sick or dependent poor personshaving a lawful settlement in the county;
(b) the temporary relief of indigent persons not having a lawful settlement in the countytemporarily residing therein, and for the burial of such indigent persons who die within thecounty;
(c) the erection and maintenance of hospitals, infirmaries, and farms in connection withSubsections (1)(a) and (b);
(d) the employment of a superintendent for such county hospitals and infirmaries, and anyother necessary help in them; and
(e) the salary of the county physician for attending the indigent sick or dependent poorand other duties as provided by law.
(2) The taxes authorized under Subsection (1) shall be assessed, levied, and collected inthe same manner as other county taxes are assessed, levied, and collected.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 133, 2000 General Session