17-53-222. Tax for exhibits encouraging trade. A county legislative body may levy a special tax on the taxable property within the countyfor the purpose of creating a fund to be used for collecting, preparing, and maintaining an exhibitof the products and industries of the county at any domestic or foreign exposition, fair, orlivestock show for the purpose of encouraging immigration and increasing trade in the products ofthe state and for the purpose of maintaining, conducting, and furnishing facilities for livestock orother exhibitions or for the purpose of promoting and making water surveys, collecting datarelating to the supply, distribution and use of water or the necessity for drainage or otherreclamation work and the compilation of data or information to encourage the conservation ofwater for the reclamation of lands within the county or counties of the state either by the countyor through the instrumentality of a corporation not for pecuniary profit, organized for thatpurpose.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 133, 2000 General Session